This list of immune system diseases contains general common diseases known to be directly related to a breakdown of the immune system. However, most health problems are closely related, if not directly, to the proper functioning of the immune system.
This list covers diseases relating to underactive immune system and overactive immune system known as autoimmune diseases. It is a common misconception that autoimmune system diseases are caused by the immune system working too hard when, in fact, it is actually just not functioning properly.
Both ‘underactive’ and ‘overactive’ problems are corrected by giving the immune system what it needs to be healthy. Explore on this website natural effective ways to correct and boost immune system naturally.
General Immune System Diseases:
AutoImmune Diseases From Above List:
Your daily choices greatly determine the strength and health of your immune system which is the main component in preventing and correcting the immune diseases. Educate yourself then make life and health empowering decisions!
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